Barely Sufficient Part of Some Agreement Crossword Clue

Are you tired of getting stumped by crossword clues related to legal agreements? One particularly tricky one is the „barely sufficient part of some agreement“ crossword clue. In order to solve this, you`ll need to have a basic understanding of legal terminology and contract law.

The answer to this clue is likely „consideration.“ Consideration is a key element in any legally binding agreement. In simple terms, consideration refers to something of value that each party gives or agrees to give to the other. This exchange is what makes a contract legally enforceable.

Consideration can come in many forms, including money, goods, services, promises, and even the release of a legal claim. For example, if you agree to pay someone $100 to mow your lawn, the $100 is the consideration you`re giving them. In exchange, they`re giving you their time and labor.

In some cases, consideration can be very minimal, or „barely sufficient,“ as the crossword clue suggests. For example, a court might consider a promise to perform an act as sufficient consideration, even if nothing of tangible value is exchanged. However, in most cases, consideration must be something that the parties believe to be of value.

It`s worth noting that consideration is only one part of a legally binding agreement. Other essential elements include offer, acceptance, and a clear understanding of the terms and conditions. However, understanding consideration is key to understanding the basic mechanics of contracts.

So next time you come across the „barely sufficient part of some agreement“ crossword clue, think about consideration. And remember, when it comes to legal agreements, every little detail matters!

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